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Big Kids

Hall & Oates

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1980 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Got a good education now
And I'm ready for the world (yeah)
We've been going together
It's gonna last forever, it ain't never gonna change
I'm a real hard charger (yeah)
Everybody's gonna listen to me
We're a winning combination, that nobody's gonna rearrange

Big Kids breakin' up 'cause they're lookin' for fun
Everybody's leavin', boy-girl on the run
My situation's static, there's no reason to fear
It's too calm around me and it can't happen here

Big Kids - think they know it all
Big Kids - think they've got the world up against the wall
All the grown-ups show me that they're only Big Kids in disguise
Who do you think your leaders are? Big Kids
Who do you think your heroes are? Big Kids
I may never reach maturity but, baby, I'm gonna try

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Got a good education now
And I'm ready for the world (yeah)
We've been going together
It's gonna last forever, it ain't never gonna change
I'm a real hard charger (yeah)
Everybody's gonna listen to me
We're a winning combination, that nobody's gonna rearrange

Big Kids breakin' up 'cause they're lookin' for fun
Everybody's leavin', boy-girl on the run
My situation's static, there's no reason to fear
It's too calm around me and it can't happen here

Big Kids - think they know it all
Big Kids - think they've got the world up against the wall
All the grown-ups show me that they're only Big Kids in disguise
Who do you think your leaders are? Big Kids
Who do you think your heroes are? Big Kids
I may never reach maturity but, baby, I'm gonna try

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