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Breathe (Juodkalnija, Eurovizija 2022)


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Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2022 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

The pain will go away they say
And the clouds fall
You'll keep the things to feel their smell
Just to make you warm
No, nothing feels the same
The fear won't leave you anyway
The battle for the life
Is bigger than you know
To act so selfishly is unforgivable
The air is what they need
Air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable
Breathe, breathe
Fight for your life
Breathe, breathe
Go to sleep and dream that we
We will be reborn
Our souls will find themselves again
In the sweat of the storm
No, nothing feels the same
The fear won't leave you anyway
The battle for the life
Is bigger than you know
To act so selfishly is unforgivable
The air is what they need
The air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable
The air is what they need
The air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable
Unforgivable, forgivable
Nothing would feel the same
Unforgivable, forgivable
We can't lose them
Have to save them
It's unforgivable
Breathe, breathe
Fight for your life
You better breathe
The air is what they need
The air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable

Topai ir rinkimai:
2022 Eurovizija - 2022 m. Eurovizija: finalas
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The pain will go away they say
And the clouds fall
You'll keep the things to feel their smell
Just to make you warm
No, nothing feels the same
The fear won't leave you anyway
The battle for the life
Is bigger than you know
To act so selfishly is unforgivable
The air is what they need
Air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable
Breathe, breathe
Fight for your life
Breathe, breathe
Go to sleep and dream that we
We will be reborn
Our souls will find themselves again
In the sweat of the storm
No, nothing feels the same
The fear won't leave you anyway
The battle for the life
Is bigger than you know
To act so selfishly is unforgivable
The air is what they need
The air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable
The air is what they need
The air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable
Unforgivable, forgivable
Nothing would feel the same
Unforgivable, forgivable
We can't lose them
Have to save them
It's unforgivable
Breathe, breathe
Fight for your life
You better breathe
The air is what they need
The air is what they breathe
They'll die without it
It's unforgivable

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