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Bring The Noize


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2012 m.

You know who this is...
Bringin' back the noise!

Trigger ready
Aim for the head
Still and steady
No fun for the dead

Stand up tight
Us you can trust
High supply
It's all too much

Bring the bombs
They're out of luck
Love for war
Mile-high club

Fill the tape
Then erase the truth
And label ‘hate‘
As ‘hate t'wards you‘

I hate this line that you push me to...
Hate hate hate hate hate hate...
I hate this line that you push me to...
I hate this line that you push me to!

It's always our fault
It's always the same
Stop when they "halt"
Play when they say "game"

I am the witness
I am the grenade
I am the victim
The killer in me

Refugee camp
Hug the wire
Yeah you're swell champ
Serve your sire

In the name of
Fallen god
Nothing sacred
Nothing hot

Do my bit
To change the world
It's a bitch
That it won't work

I have the gun
So i make the rules
Yeah you can run
But you still lose

I love this line that you push me to...
I fuckin love it!
I love this line that you push me to...
I love this line that you push me to!

I can't control myself
I'm going insane
You're not a part of me
I throw you away

I'm done with your shit now
Don't tell me you know how
They feel...
They feel!

Gonna show you how...
Right now...
Let me show you how...
Right now...

Topai ir rinkimai:
Lietuvos muzikos atradimai - Lietuviški atradimai | Nr. 4 TOP 30 - Savaičių tope: 3, aukščiausia vieta: 16
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You know who this is...
Bringin' back the noise!

Trigger ready
Aim for the head
Still and steady
No fun for the dead

Stand up tight
Us you can trust
High supply
It's all too much

Bring the bombs
They're out of luck
Love for war
Mile-high club

Fill the tape
Then erase the truth
And label ‘hate‘
As ‘hate t'wards you‘

I hate this line that you push me to...
Hate hate hate hate hate hate...
I hate this line that you push me to...
I hate this line that you push me to!

It's always our fault
It's always the same
Stop when they "halt"
Play when they say "game"

I am the witness
I am the grenade
I am the victim
The killer in me

Refugee camp
Hug the wire
Yeah you're swell champ
Serve your sire

In the name of
Fallen god
Nothing sacred
Nothing hot

Do my bit
To change the world
It's a bitch
That it won't work

I have the gun
So i make the rules
Yeah you can run
But you still lose

I love this line that you push me to...
I fuckin love it!
I love this line that you push me to...
I love this line that you push me to!

I can't control myself
I'm going insane
You're not a part of me
I throw you away

I'm done with your shit now
Don't tell me you know how
They feel...
They feel!

Gonna show you how...
Right now...
Let me show you how...
Right now...

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2012 m. spalio 8 d. 12:29:51
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Lietuviski Limp Bizkit. Dabr Limp Bizkit nelabai klausau, bet kazkada buvo tokie laikai kai megau. Butent tuos laikus ir prisiminiau sito gabalo klausydamas.

i'm not like them, but i can pretend
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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