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Bucket Full of Hate


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2010 m.

You've got the smile of Judas on your lips...
you're following your script,
trying to hide your anger
I see a cheap facade upon your face... to cover your distaste
It can't confine your rancor

Extend your olive branch, but its all full of thorns
You're talking peace, but in your eyes
is a bucket full of hate... a bucket full of hate
Bucket full of hate... (hate)

You're coming under false pretense,
You're trying to make amends... It's a counterfeit production
Yeah this performance is just a sham... it's nothing but a scan
A bogus reconstruction

Extend your olive branch, its just a masquerade
Your talkin' peace and love,
You try to camouflage your animosity
You're getting crushed beneath the weight...

Of a bucket full of hate... (bucket full of hate)
A bucket full of hate... (bucket full of hate)
Bucket full of hate... hate !!!

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You've got the smile of Judas on your lips...
you're following your script,
trying to hide your anger
I see a cheap facade upon your face... to cover your distaste
It can't confine your rancor

Extend your olive branch, but its all full of thorns
You're talking peace, but in your eyes
is a bucket full of hate... a bucket full of hate
Bucket full of hate... (hate)

You're coming under false pretense,
You're trying to make amends... It's a counterfeit production
Yeah this performance is just a sham... it's nothing but a scan
A bogus reconstruction

Extend your olive branch, its just a masquerade
Your talkin' peace and love,
You try to camouflage your animosity
You're getting crushed beneath the weight...

Of a bucket full of hate... (bucket full of hate)
A bucket full of hate... (bucket full of hate)
Bucket full of hate... hate !!!

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