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Burned At Both Ends

Motionless in White

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2012 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

There's nothing left now that doesn't come from suffering
Victims of time, were defined by our history
Forever lost, and now I don't know who the fuck I have become
Where has my life gone?

I'm holding on to a life, I'll never get back
It's too hard to let go
I'm on the right train but the wrong tracks
Trying not to derail

Nothing is like it was before
I know not who I am anymore
Chasing something that's behind me
When will I be set free?

So what is left of this life that's in front of me?
Is there a future when you only see in memories?
When every loss, every beauty just reminds you of the past
How can you just let go?

I'm holding on to a life, I'll never get back
It's too hard to let go
I'm on the right train but the wrong tracks
Trying not to derail

Nothing is like it was before
I know not who I am anymore
Chasing something that's behind me
When will I be set free?

Broken promises left to mend
Burning the candle at both ends
No light to find my way back home
But I don't know where "home" is anymore
The sinking ship has washed ashore

This misery has got to end
What's done is done
The past is a strange place

Look, look at me now, just a fool with everything, but yet I'm still so hollow
Look, look at us now, no lights just struggling to find our way back home

I'm holding on to a life, I'll never get back
It's too hard to let go
I'm on the right train but the wrong tracks
Trying not to derail

Nothing is like it was before
I know not who I am anymore
Chasing something that's behind me
When will I be set free?

Broken promises left to mend
Burning the candle at both ends
No light to find my way back home
Cause' I don't know where "home" is
And without you, I'm hopeless

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

There's nothing left now that doesn't come from suffering
Victims of time, were defined by our history
Forever lost, and now I don't know who the fuck I have become
Where has my life gone?

I'm holding on to a life, I'll never get back
It's too hard to let go
I'm on the right train but the wrong tracks
Trying not to derail

Nothing is like it was before
I know not who I am anymore
Chasing something that's behind me
When will I be set free?

So what is left of this life that's in front of me?
Is there a future when you only see in memories?
When every loss, every beauty just reminds you of the past
How can you just let go?

I'm holding on to a life, I'll never get back
It's too hard to let go
I'm on the right train but the wrong tracks
Trying not to derail

Nothing is like it was before
I know not who I am anymore
Chasing something that's behind me
When will I be set free?

Broken promises left to mend
Burning the candle at both ends
No light to find my way back home
But I don't know where "home" is anymore
The sinking ship has washed ashore

This misery has got to end
What's done is done
The past is a strange place

Look, look at me now, just a fool with everything, but yet I'm still so hollow
Look, look at us now, no lights just struggling to find our way back home

I'm holding on to a life, I'll never get back
It's too hard to let go
I'm on the right train but the wrong tracks
Trying not to derail

Nothing is like it was before
I know not who I am anymore
Chasing something that's behind me
When will I be set free?

Broken promises left to mend
Burning the candle at both ends
No light to find my way back home
Cause' I don't know where "home" is
And without you, I'm hopeless

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