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Burning Bridges

Steve Lukather

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Watch me hook hope to a runaway horse
You can’t stop that unstoppable force
I’ll hold my dreams up to the highest high
Keeps me runnin’ till the day I die

Tonight I built a fire
It burns so hot, right to the ground
The bridge is burning, burning down
Lay my fear at the old oak tree
Get on with livin’ life so easily
Scatter that shame to the seven seas


Throwin’ anger to winds if you make sure
it never finds me again
Carried off, forever lost, sent to shore
Never more to be found in this world
So baby please unburden me
and leave me floating on the warm breeze
Let me keep moving on, moving on

(Repeat Chorus)

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Esamas tekstas

Watch me hook hope to a runaway horse
You can’t stop that unstoppable force
I’ll hold my dreams up to the highest high
Keeps me runnin’ till the day I die

Tonight I built a fire
It burns so hot, right to the ground
The bridge is burning, burning down
Lay my fear at the old oak tree
Get on with livin’ life so easily
Scatter that shame to the seven seas


Throwin’ anger to winds if you make sure
it never finds me again
Carried off, forever lost, sent to shore
Never more to be found in this world
So baby please unburden me
and leave me floating on the warm breeze
Let me keep moving on, moving on

(Repeat Chorus)

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