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Chateau in Virginia Waters


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 1968 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Broken English words cracked the air like a bell
She had a chateau in Virginia Waters
Free from all those culture vultures
Her silver car a silver cloud cloaked the air in a shroud
Her pearly author's teeth tore the seasoned cedar coloured pheasant

Her one rich wish is to write a book about
A venetian mother's problems on a barge in little Venice

She peers at the portrait of her poetess grandmother
Who's theatrical in character
Wise just like Socrates
She sinks her nails into the aged canvas
But the power from the wordster's head was cool and shrill and frightening

Miss Drag is intermingled with the powder-blue chaise lounge
She types some acid words to her hairless havana art dealer

Her one rich wish is to write a book about a chateau in Virginia Waters
Free from all those culture vultures

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Broken English words cracked the air like a bell
She had a chateau in Virginia Waters
Free from all those culture vultures
Her silver car a silver cloud cloaked the air in a shroud
Her pearly author's teeth tore the seasoned cedar coloured pheasant

Her one rich wish is to write a book about
A venetian mother's problems on a barge in little Venice

She peers at the portrait of her poetess grandmother
Who's theatrical in character
Wise just like Socrates
She sinks her nails into the aged canvas
But the power from the wordster's head was cool and shrill and frightening

Miss Drag is intermingled with the powder-blue chaise lounge
She types some acid words to her hairless havana art dealer

Her one rich wish is to write a book about a chateau in Virginia Waters
Free from all those culture vultures

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