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Clearly Quite Absurd

Deep Purple

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2005 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

After all we said today
The strangest thought occurred
I feel I ought to tell you
But it's clearly quite absurd
Wouldn't it be wonderful
If you could read my mind
Imagine all the stuff
That we could leave behind
How many words you waste
Before you're understood
Or simply sow some seeds
You'd do it if you could
Let me take a moment
Of your time
Inside you mind

I know what you're thinking
But I don't know what to say
The turmoil and the conflict
You don't have to feel that way
Look into my eyes
And feel my hand upon your heart
Holding us together
Not tearing us apart
How many words we waste
To justify a crime
Compare it to an act of love
That really takes no time
Why not take a moment
Of your time
Inside your mind

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

After all we said today
The strangest thought occurred
I feel I ought to tell you
But it's clearly quite absurd
Wouldn't it be wonderful
If you could read my mind
Imagine all the stuff
That we could leave behind
How many words you waste
Before you're understood
Or simply sow some seeds
You'd do it if you could
Let me take a moment
Of your time
Inside you mind

I know what you're thinking
But I don't know what to say
The turmoil and the conflict
You don't have to feel that way
Look into my eyes
And feel my hand upon your heart
Holding us together
Not tearing us apart
How many words we waste
To justify a crime
Compare it to an act of love
That really takes no time
Why not take a moment
Of your time
Inside your mind

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