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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2008 m. spalio 29 d.

Klausyti nemokamai

In the void of chaos life endures
In the gap of creation, the ancient wisdom breathes

Inheritance of fire
Inheritance of frost
Yet it lay there weeping
Afraid to see the light

Inheritance of fire
Inheritance of frost
No one comes to unveil
No one finds the key

Inheritance of fire
Inheritance of frost
Grasp the mighty chaos
Grasp the ancient birth

Seek deep within, feel the flames
Into the void, never to return
Seek deep within, fertilize
Into the void, rise...

Struggling against the fumes
Poisoning the hearts
Fighting the chains, to penetrate the clouds
Pulsating life in the ancient womb
Encapsulated in forces of old

Waiting to hear the call
To witness the cosmic marriage
Willing to blow; to blow the mocking clouds away

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

In the void of chaos life endures
In the gap of creation, the ancient wisdom breathes

Inheritance of fire
Inheritance of frost
Yet it lay there weeping
Afraid to see the light

Inheritance of fire
Inheritance of frost
No one comes to unveil
No one finds the key

Inheritance of fire
Inheritance of frost
Grasp the mighty chaos
Grasp the ancient birth

Seek deep within, feel the flames
Into the void, never to return
Seek deep within, fertilize
Into the void, rise...

Struggling against the fumes
Poisoning the hearts
Fighting the chains, to penetrate the clouds
Pulsating life in the ancient womb
Encapsulated in forces of old

Waiting to hear the call
To witness the cosmic marriage
Willing to blow; to blow the mocking clouds away

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