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Corpus Hermeticum


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

η calling

watching the fire that is dancing wildly in front of me
does it have any score? does it feel its own throb? does it hear any melody?
like the puppets in the puppet theater the flames wiggle in the hearth
is then there any puppet master steering its swirl on someone’s behalf?

watching and wondering
if there’s a master of all the flames in this world
of ever-recurring war-tides of spawning and bloodshed
of ever-rising empires of waxing and waning and ruin

but then lo! I felt someone in the deepest corner
watching out of depth of shadows that gave him cover
all of a sudden he arose, was he either blind or seeing further
than a mortal soul. at [the very] last he spoke
as I see it is Knowledge that you seek and the Knowing I can feel it in your look
so listen now…

θ liturgy

ι torpor

I recall someone approach me that has no face no name
in the torrid plains somewhere behind driving me insane
vaporizing my consciousness away with its flame innate
have you seen the Essence? Creations and the Tools?
have you touched the Ordained? The Meaning of the Orbs?
the rules of Above and Below? The Message in the Word?
if Change is born by Time, and Time by – by Cosmos…
… you began to see!
if Cosmos – by Eternity, Eternity – by God…

don’t let illusions take you up and wrap your eyes
but up you go! for you are close enough!

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

η calling

watching the fire that is dancing wildly in front of me
does it have any score? does it feel its own throb? does it hear any melody?
like the puppets in the puppet theater the flames wiggle in the hearth
is then there any puppet master steering its swirl on someone’s behalf?

watching and wondering
if there’s a master of all the flames in this world
of ever-recurring war-tides of spawning and bloodshed
of ever-rising empires of waxing and waning and ruin

but then lo! I felt someone in the deepest corner
watching out of depth of shadows that gave him cover
all of a sudden he arose, was he either blind or seeing further
than a mortal soul. at [the very] last he spoke
as I see it is Knowledge that you seek and the Knowing I can feel it in your look
so listen now…

θ liturgy

ι torpor

I recall someone approach me that has no face no name
in the torrid plains somewhere behind driving me insane
vaporizing my consciousness away with its flame innate
have you seen the Essence? Creations and the Tools?
have you touched the Ordained? The Meaning of the Orbs?
the rules of Above and Below? The Message in the Word?
if Change is born by Time, and Time by – by Cosmos…
… you began to see!
if Cosmos – by Eternity, Eternity – by God…

don’t let illusions take you up and wrap your eyes
but up you go! for you are close enough!

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