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Cosmic Heart

Ace Frehley

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I've traveled all of this world
And tasted life to the max
Met the Kings and Queens
But it never changed me
I've seen the good and the bad
And the strangest of things
Sometimes I lost my way
But never gave up my faith

'Cause life is too short
Now hear what I'm sayin'

I've got a cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart
My blood will flow
Faster than mere mortals
And I can't be controlled

I've sailed the seven seas
And seen the rising sun
I've loved so many things
It wasn't always fun
Flying high in the sky
Ignoring warning signs
Then I woke up one day
And my soul wasn't mine

'Cause life is too short
Now hear what I'm sayin'

I've got a cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart
My blood will flow
Faster than mere mortals
And I can't be controlled

'Cause life is too short
Now hear what I'm sayin'

I've got a cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart
My blood will flow
Faster than mere mortals
And I can't be controlled

Cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I've traveled all of this world
And tasted life to the max
Met the Kings and Queens
But it never changed me
I've seen the good and the bad
And the strangest of things
Sometimes I lost my way
But never gave up my faith

'Cause life is too short
Now hear what I'm sayin'

I've got a cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart
My blood will flow
Faster than mere mortals
And I can't be controlled

I've sailed the seven seas
And seen the rising sun
I've loved so many things
It wasn't always fun
Flying high in the sky
Ignoring warning signs
Then I woke up one day
And my soul wasn't mine

'Cause life is too short
Now hear what I'm sayin'

I've got a cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart
My blood will flow
Faster than mere mortals
And I can't be controlled

'Cause life is too short
Now hear what I'm sayin'

I've got a cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart
My blood will flow
Faster than mere mortals
And I can't be controlled

Cosmic heart
It can't be torn apart
No one can read my mind
I can't be hypnotized
I've got a cosmic heart

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