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Crepitating Bowel Erosion


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1989 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

(Solo: Intumescence of pulverized piles)
Wart-encrusted sebaceous growth
Pustulating, bleeding piles are what I boast
Scabby and blistered pectoral skin flakes away
As my crushed bowels evacuate much to my dismay...
Faecal tripe - take a bite
Urinary swill - take your fill
Squeeze out the pus, perforate the rash
Munch the mouldy scabs, lick the septic gash...
Eroded crispy bowels, corrosive putrid breath
Collapsing, slushy lungs, my diaphragm pickled in meths...
Renal ulcerations, faecal gurgitations
Costive crepitations, complete and disgorgement...
Disenterring organs pus, urine and sewage
Thrust into your naval, to soak up ascitic fluids...
An abrasive concoction is formed in my throat
Methylated bile, jaundiced kidneys bloat
Tumourous stomach, coughing up gall
The thorax infected with furuncles and boils...
The sight of my abdomen, shrivelling and gurgling
The reek of my bloody pleura, stagnating and curdling
Cynical and sarcastic, my fetid sense of tumour
Clinical and gastric, I imbibe my own vitreous humour...
Soiled prostatic prolapse
Ruptured hernia rips your groin
Your mouth forced wide open
As you're made to chew on your haemorrhoids...
Gnawing my appendix, enteric organs glistening
Acholial fluids, coagulating and thickening
Weakened, cirrhosised liver, pumping out sludge
Of pediculosal faeces, sanguineous bile and crud...
Avulsion of salted tonsils
Gavaged with a spoon
Your scrotal sac torn open

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

(Solo: Intumescence of pulverized piles)
Wart-encrusted sebaceous growth
Pustulating, bleeding piles are what I boast
Scabby and blistered pectoral skin flakes away
As my crushed bowels evacuate much to my dismay...
Faecal tripe - take a bite
Urinary swill - take your fill
Squeeze out the pus, perforate the rash
Munch the mouldy scabs, lick the septic gash...
Eroded crispy bowels, corrosive putrid breath
Collapsing, slushy lungs, my diaphragm pickled in meths...
Renal ulcerations, faecal gurgitations
Costive crepitations, complete and disgorgement...
Disenterring organs pus, urine and sewage
Thrust into your naval, to soak up ascitic fluids...
An abrasive concoction is formed in my throat
Methylated bile, jaundiced kidneys bloat
Tumourous stomach, coughing up gall
The thorax infected with furuncles and boils...
The sight of my abdomen, shrivelling and gurgling
The reek of my bloody pleura, stagnating and curdling
Cynical and sarcastic, my fetid sense of tumour
Clinical and gastric, I imbibe my own vitreous humour...
Soiled prostatic prolapse
Ruptured hernia rips your groin
Your mouth forced wide open
As you're made to chew on your haemorrhoids...
Gnawing my appendix, enteric organs glistening
Acholial fluids, coagulating and thickening
Weakened, cirrhosised liver, pumping out sludge
Of pediculosal faeces, sanguineous bile and crud...
Avulsion of salted tonsils
Gavaged with a spoon
Your scrotal sac torn open

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