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Daddy Should Have Stayed in High School

Cheap Trick

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1977 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[Verse 1]
I've been waiting every night after school
For five long years, five long years
I'll keep waiting there for five nights a week
'Cause I'm no good

Ooh, rockin' and a rollin'
Reelin' 'til the juke breaks
Ooh, reelin' and a rockin'
Rollin' 'til the juke breaks down

[Verse 2]
I'm thirty but I feel like sixteen
I might even know your daddy
I'm dirty but my body is clean
I might even be your daddy

Ooh, reelin' and a rockin'
Rollin' 'til the break of
Ooh, reelin' and a rockin'
Rollin' 'til the juke breaks

[Verse 3]
I like you and you like me, yes?
Sorry but I had to gag you
You look better completely undressed
Sorry but I had to have you

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 4]
I like you and you like me, yes?
Sorry but I had to gag you
You look better completely undressed
Sorry but I had to have you

[Verse 5]
Ah, I'm thirty but I feel like sixteen
How would you like some candy?
I'm thinking more than a kiss
Whip me, spank me, grab me (Grab me)

Grab me
Grab me, me, oh

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

[Verse 1]
I've been waiting every night after school
For five long years, five long years
I'll keep waiting there for five nights a week
'Cause I'm no good

Ooh, rockin' and a rollin'
Reelin' 'til the juke breaks
Ooh, reelin' and a rockin'
Rollin' 'til the juke breaks down

[Verse 2]
I'm thirty but I feel like sixteen
I might even know your daddy
I'm dirty but my body is clean
I might even be your daddy

Ooh, reelin' and a rockin'
Rollin' 'til the break of
Ooh, reelin' and a rockin'
Rollin' 'til the juke breaks

[Verse 3]
I like you and you like me, yes?
Sorry but I had to gag you
You look better completely undressed
Sorry but I had to have you

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 4]
I like you and you like me, yes?
Sorry but I had to gag you
You look better completely undressed
Sorry but I had to have you

[Verse 5]
Ah, I'm thirty but I feel like sixteen
How would you like some candy?
I'm thinking more than a kiss
Whip me, spank me, grab me (Grab me)

Grab me
Grab me, me, oh

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