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Nobody's Home

Deep Purple

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1984 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Nothing I can do about it
Maybe I won't even try
Your will is determined to kill any
Reason of mine

I see you coming
With that look in your eye
You act like a king but you ain't got a
In your mind

And now there's nobody home
My belly is aching
Your image is blown
Your lights are burning bright
But Nobody's Home

You talk about love and affection
If only you could
You're full of pride but there's nothing
And you think you're so good

You know you got it coming to ya
All things return
You need me
It's not gonna be my concern

And now there's nobody home
Your message is changing
The children have grown
Your lights are burning bright
But nobody's home

I hear you crying
What can I say
You get what you give so
Forgive me as I turn away

Nobody's home
A legend is dying
The seeds have been sown
Your lights are burning bright
But Nobody's Home

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Nothing I can do about it
Maybe I won't even try
Your will is determined to kill any
Reason of mine

I see you coming
With that look in your eye
You act like a king but you ain't got a
In your mind

And now there's nobody home
My belly is aching
Your image is blown
Your lights are burning bright
But Nobody's Home

You talk about love and affection
If only you could
You're full of pride but there's nothing
And you think you're so good

You know you got it coming to ya
All things return
You need me
It's not gonna be my concern

And now there's nobody home
Your message is changing
The children have grown
Your lights are burning bright
But nobody's home

I hear you crying
What can I say
You get what you give so
Forgive me as I turn away

Nobody's home
A legend is dying
The seeds have been sown
Your lights are burning bright
But Nobody's Home

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2011 m. lapkričio 16 d. 13:38:46
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