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You Can't Do It Right (with the One You Love)

Deep Purple

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1974 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Have you ever thought of the feeling
I get when I'm alone with you
It's causing me worry and trouble
I'm going 'round in circles
Don't know what I'm gonna do

You can't do it right
With the one you love
Nothing you can do
Without the one you love

You were always playing my records
When I was after making some love
But I need more than the music
To keep myself together
Although it makes me feel so good

You can't do it right
With the one you love
Nothing you can do
Without the one you love

Sometimes in the morning
I wake up without you
Can't get up, it's getting me down
Tell me what you're trying to do
Later in the evening
You come home feeling low
If you'd stop your cruising
Maybe we could make a show

You can't do it right
With the one you love
Nothing you can do
Without the one you love

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Have you ever thought of the feeling
I get when I'm alone with you
It's causing me worry and trouble
I'm going 'round in circles
Don't know what I'm gonna do

You can't do it right
With the one you love
Nothing you can do
Without the one you love

You were always playing my records
When I was after making some love
But I need more than the music
To keep myself together
Although it makes me feel so good

You can't do it right
With the one you love
Nothing you can do
Without the one you love

Sometimes in the morning
I wake up without you
Can't get up, it's getting me down
Tell me what you're trying to do
Later in the evening
You come home feeling low
If you'd stop your cruising
Maybe we could make a show

You can't do it right
With the one you love
Nothing you can do
Without the one you love

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2011 m. lapkričio 16 d. 15:43:22
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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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