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Deflowering the Maidenhead, Displeasuring the Goddess

Cradle of Filth

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2015 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Cracked Mirrors scatter reflection
Beauty falls from Her state of perfection
Good grace has fled this dream
While the Cats away, the Rats will Ravage
Despotic, Necrotic fingas
Have lingered wit Rape's Affection
Hoods face this global scene
As they stoop to prey
Nature grows more savage
She shudders at our fetal fatal touch
Heavenly Her body dragged & left amongst the Dead
Once grateful seeds in her natal hutch
Our species breeds
Deflowerin' the Maidenhead
Religion caw epistles
Twisted laws extend their thristles
A crown to justify
Our place atop this hellbound carriage
This judgment has come from on high
Deforesters pray to the amplified sky
stripped of her gowns
Temples ripped down
Her curses hearse now!
This judgment has come from on high
Look at her spears
Wit true fear in yo eyes
Summonin' the coven
The 4 horsemen eschaton
She the sumptuous Earth
Deep scars were forced upon
Queen Catastrophia seer renewal grew to see
Humanity in ruins sped to Death on rotten knees
We freed the flames that came to haunt Her
The greed that tore Her Elvish bodice
She was the storm that warmed to slaughter
Our selfish needs, displeasurin' the Goddess
Plasterin' disaster, faster pandemics appear
Anthropocentric pockets
Last plagues are spreadin' near
Grand levellin' wit 7 tongues acerbic whore-astride
As the oceans swell in venom at our slick black ecocide
This judgment has come from on high
Poisoners choke on the smoke-ridden Sty
Forewarnings ignored, faith in a lord.
Life's blessings uncared for
This judgment has come from on high
Suffer this Kiss as She whispas goodbye
Goodbye! What have we done?! & what have we become?!
In this distance from our motha
From the gates of late Eden?
Blinded, undone, glowerin' into the sun
A world of mass congrestion smothered
In the waste of late Eden & what of her?!
Gaia, Cybele! where is jewelled Ishtar
That shone forth like the stars?
Now maniacal She moves against us all
To destroy recreate anew
To dance amok amidst annihilation
Extinction greets foul creatures left
Deflowerin' the Maidenhead
Displeasurin' the Goddess

Topai ir rinkimai:
2015 Sunkiosios muzikos atradimai - Sunkiosios muzikos atradimai | Nr. 2 TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 12, aukščiausia vieta: 5
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Cracked Mirrors scatter reflection
Beauty falls from Her state of perfection
Good grace has fled this dream
While the Cats away, the Rats will Ravage
Despotic, Necrotic fingas
Have lingered wit Rape's Affection
Hoods face this global scene
As they stoop to prey
Nature grows more savage
She shudders at our fetal fatal touch
Heavenly Her body dragged & left amongst the Dead
Once grateful seeds in her natal hutch
Our species breeds
Deflowerin' the Maidenhead
Religion caw epistles
Twisted laws extend their thristles
A crown to justify
Our place atop this hellbound carriage
This judgment has come from on high
Deforesters pray to the amplified sky
stripped of her gowns
Temples ripped down
Her curses hearse now!
This judgment has come from on high
Look at her spears
Wit true fear in yo eyes
Summonin' the coven
The 4 horsemen eschaton
She the sumptuous Earth
Deep scars were forced upon
Queen Catastrophia seer renewal grew to see
Humanity in ruins sped to Death on rotten knees
We freed the flames that came to haunt Her
The greed that tore Her Elvish bodice
She was the storm that warmed to slaughter
Our selfish needs, displeasurin' the Goddess
Plasterin' disaster, faster pandemics appear
Anthropocentric pockets
Last plagues are spreadin' near
Grand levellin' wit 7 tongues acerbic whore-astride
As the oceans swell in venom at our slick black ecocide
This judgment has come from on high
Poisoners choke on the smoke-ridden Sty
Forewarnings ignored, faith in a lord.
Life's blessings uncared for
This judgment has come from on high
Suffer this Kiss as She whispas goodbye
Goodbye! What have we done?! & what have we become?!
In this distance from our motha
From the gates of late Eden?
Blinded, undone, glowerin' into the sun
A world of mass congrestion smothered
In the waste of late Eden & what of her?!
Gaia, Cybele! where is jewelled Ishtar
That shone forth like the stars?
Now maniacal She moves against us all
To destroy recreate anew
To dance amok amidst annihilation
Extinction greets foul creatures left
Deflowerin' the Maidenhead
Displeasurin' the Goddess

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2016 m. balandžio 2 d. 08:46:38
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Iš pirmo sykio nepadarė įspūdžio. Dabar šis veržlus lyg traukinys gabalas, pertrauktas tik vienos interliudijos, suveikė kaip RedBullis. Tikras enerdžiaizeris{#}.

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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