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Blue Dress

Depeche Mode

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 1990 m.

Put it on
And don't say a word
Put it on
The one that I prefer
Put it on
And stand before my eyes
Put it on
Please don't question why

Can you believe
Something so simple
Something so trivial
Makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me

Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn

Put it on
I can feel so much
Put it on
I don't need to touch
Put it on
Here before my eyes
Put it on
Because you realise
And you believe

Something so worthless
Serves a purpose
It makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me

Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Put it on
And don't say a word
Put it on
The one that I prefer
Put it on
And stand before my eyes
Put it on
Please don't question why

Can you believe
Something so simple
Something so trivial
Makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me

Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn

Put it on
I can feel so much
Put it on
I don't need to touch
Put it on
Here before my eyes
Put it on
Because you realise
And you believe

Something so worthless
Serves a purpose
It makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me

Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn

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Panaši muzika

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another year older not necessarily wiser, but definitely funnier.
Oh my God, that's the funky shit!!!


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  Naujausias narys: felipe1949
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