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Devil in Disguise

Judas Priest

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Mischievous a twinkle in his eye
It grieves us that all he said's a lie
So frantic he wears a sickly grin
Romantic the way he reels you in

Still mixing your mind
What was real disappears
He's one of a kind planting all your fears

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
The devil in disguise

Delusion a master of the grift
Confusion his slight of hand is swift
Alluring a whisper in your head
So charming manipulating dread

Peddles and stalks
Machiavellian shiv
Ambidextrous talks
Nothing's left to live

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
The devil in disguise

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
He's the devil in disguise

Fictitious conjurer who grinds against your will
He's like a sniper when he goes in for the kill
Imposing charlatan shadows are his friend
A deviant pecksniffian his words are all pretend

Devil in disguise
Devil in disguise
He's the devil in disguise
The devil in disguise

Still mixing your mind
What was real disappears
He's one of a kind
Preying on your fears

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
The devil in disguise

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
Devil in disguise

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Mischievous a twinkle in his eye
It grieves us that all he said's a lie
So frantic he wears a sickly grin
Romantic the way he reels you in

Still mixing your mind
What was real disappears
He's one of a kind planting all your fears

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
The devil in disguise

Delusion a master of the grift
Confusion his slight of hand is swift
Alluring a whisper in your head
So charming manipulating dread

Peddles and stalks
Machiavellian shiv
Ambidextrous talks
Nothing's left to live

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
The devil in disguise

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
He's the devil in disguise

Fictitious conjurer who grinds against your will
He's like a sniper when he goes in for the kill
Imposing charlatan shadows are his friend
A deviant pecksniffian his words are all pretend

Devil in disguise
Devil in disguise
He's the devil in disguise
The devil in disguise

Still mixing your mind
What was real disappears
He's one of a kind
Preying on your fears

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
The devil in disguise

He's a devil
The devil in disguise
He's a devil
Devil in disguise

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