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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1984 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

You said a single word
But no one really heard
Sometimes we scream alone

It's always worse at night
When darkness kills the light
We're in the danger zone

You wait with pounding heart
You know it's just the start

Cause you're Breathless, ready to burn
Breathless, willing to learn
Breathless, the circle still turns
You're Breathless

Living inside your mind
Who knows the things you'll find
There could be hell or rainbows

But it's a funny thing
The more you feel the sting
You're just a leaf that the wind blows

You've been this way before
One step and you're through the door

And you're Breathless, ready to burn
Breathless, the circle still turns
Breathless, willing to learn
You're Breathless

Repeat Verse 1

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You said a single word
But no one really heard
Sometimes we scream alone

It's always worse at night
When darkness kills the light
We're in the danger zone

You wait with pounding heart
You know it's just the start

Cause you're Breathless, ready to burn
Breathless, willing to learn
Breathless, the circle still turns
You're Breathless

Living inside your mind
Who knows the things you'll find
There could be hell or rainbows

But it's a funny thing
The more you feel the sting
You're just a leaf that the wind blows

You've been this way before
One step and you're through the door

And you're Breathless, ready to burn
Breathless, the circle still turns
Breathless, willing to learn
You're Breathless

Repeat Verse 1

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