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Do you get excited


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1991 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

When the day gets dark
Over a thousand streets
And you feel your heart
Is a living beat

When you're all alone
And you close your eyes
Naked to the bone
The dream comes alive

Do you get excited
When I touch you in the night?
My oh my...
Do you get excited
When I meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by

When your body's hot
The window's open wide
This moment's all you got
In this race of life

When you feel the fire
Is getting close to you
Hey baby, you know
I'm lonely too

Do you get excited
When I touch you in the night?
My oh my...
Do you get excited
When I meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by

Do you get excited
When I touch you in the night?
My oh my...
Do you get excited
When I meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by

I wanna know

I gotta know

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

When the day gets dark
Over a thousand streets
And you feel your heart
Is a living beat

When you're all alone
And you close your eyes
Naked to the bone
The dream comes alive

Do you get excited
When I touch you in the night?
My oh my...
Do you get excited
When I meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by

When your body's hot
The window's open wide
This moment's all you got
In this race of life

When you feel the fire
Is getting close to you
Hey baby, you know
I'm lonely too

Do you get excited
When I touch you in the night?
My oh my...
Do you get excited
When I meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by

Do you get excited
When I touch you in the night?
My oh my...
Do you get excited
When I meet you every night?
You won't let the night pass you by

I wanna know

I gotta know

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