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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2023 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

PetroDragonic Apocalypse
PetroDragonic Apocalypse

Flapping wings weaving through
Crocodile obsolete
Flattened raze
Spraying flames
Blood curdle screech

Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon...

Gila is the aether
Quintessence and preacher
Aura drinker
Spirit shrinker
The one true God

Vile smile
'Mental yolks
Nymphs, sylphs and pygmy's choke
Drink the blood
Tasting Tchort
What hath God wrought?

Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon...

PetroDragonic Apocalypse
PetroDragonic Apocalypse

PetroDragonic Apocalypse
PetroDragonic Apocalypse

Winged demon on the stratosphere is
Swooping beneath to kill with fear
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon
Scrambling jets and ballistic lies burned
Underneath the lidless eyes
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Atomic space
Chaos, it reeks
Pilots shriek
Cities weep
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon

The eye dilates
The air gyrates
A gate in the sky
A portal to die
A shriek from space
A mangled yell
Dragon descends
Welcome to hell

Audi mea verba
Oh ignis draconis
Ex cineribus orior
Altius atque altius
Alis patentibus
Lumine micante
Draco hic apparere debet
In loco subter

The eye dilates
The air gyrates
A gate in the sky
A portal to die
A shriek from space
A mangled yell
Dragon descends
Welcome to hell

Ex profunditate antiquae doctrinae
Ad caelos supra semper
Hoc incantamentum evoco
Draco apparet
Incantamentum iam transactum est

A creature born of the tempest
The thrill of the hunt
The thrill of the quest
A wild being of chaos and fire
Knowing naught but its own desire
To taste fear in the game's eyes
To claim its victory
To claim its prize
Killing all in its path
Nay mercy shown
Until the dragon stands triumphantly high-lone

Dawn of eternal night, dawn of eternal night
Dawn of eternal night, dawn of eternal night...

Terra firma
Earth murdered in the blink of an eye
Malevolent equivalent
Bending storms beneath its will
Firelight troglodyte
Dawn of eternal night

Demonic bird reptilian desert fetid breath
Sapien spite and fatal bite with a foul
Gas stench
Isaiah's come to claim the throne
The dragon's birthright
Dawn of eternal night

The beast we awoke hath been untamed
Eyes of fireth and wings of a flame
It hath arisen from chariest lair
Spreading its wings and taking to the air


Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

PetroDragonic Apocalypse
PetroDragonic Apocalypse

Flapping wings weaving through
Crocodile obsolete
Flattened raze
Spraying flames
Blood curdle screech

Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon...

Gila is the aether
Quintessence and preacher
Aura drinker
Spirit shrinker
The one true God

Vile smile
'Mental yolks
Nymphs, sylphs and pygmy's choke
Drink the blood
Tasting Tchort
What hath God wrought?

Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon, dragon
Dragon, dragon...

PetroDragonic Apocalypse
PetroDragonic Apocalypse

PetroDragonic Apocalypse
PetroDragonic Apocalypse

Winged demon on the stratosphere is
Swooping beneath to kill with fear
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon
Scrambling jets and ballistic lies burned
Underneath the lidless eyes
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Atomic space
Chaos, it reeks
Pilots shriek
Cities weep
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon
Stop the dragon

The eye dilates
The air gyrates
A gate in the sky
A portal to die
A shriek from space
A mangled yell
Dragon descends
Welcome to hell

Audi mea verba
Oh ignis draconis
Ex cineribus orior
Altius atque altius
Alis patentibus
Lumine micante
Draco hic apparere debet
In loco subter

The eye dilates
The air gyrates
A gate in the sky
A portal to die
A shriek from space
A mangled yell
Dragon descends
Welcome to hell

Ex profunditate antiquae doctrinae
Ad caelos supra semper
Hoc incantamentum evoco
Draco apparet
Incantamentum iam transactum est

A creature born of the tempest
The thrill of the hunt
The thrill of the quest
A wild being of chaos and fire
Knowing naught but its own desire
To taste fear in the game's eyes
To claim its victory
To claim its prize
Killing all in its path
Nay mercy shown
Until the dragon stands triumphantly high-lone

Dawn of eternal night, dawn of eternal night
Dawn of eternal night, dawn of eternal night...

Terra firma
Earth murdered in the blink of an eye
Malevolent equivalent
Bending storms beneath its will
Firelight troglodyte
Dawn of eternal night

Demonic bird reptilian desert fetid breath
Sapien spite and fatal bite with a foul
Gas stench
Isaiah's come to claim the throne
The dragon's birthright
Dawn of eternal night

The beast we awoke hath been untamed
Eyes of fireth and wings of a flame
It hath arisen from chariest lair
Spreading its wings and taking to the air


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