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Drowning Head First

Adam Green

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Kitų stilių muzika
Data: 2008 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Drowning head first in my blue life jacket
Pluck from the roos off a funeral casket
here baby cheers when I'm wondering near you
How's the broken hearted blues

Don't over think when they say I told you
Lay off the booze as the video blows you
Bring on the cheer
I want to be here
But I've got this terrible problem

all my friends have left
the feeling got sober
I was a chef on the red October
Who lost his spine
was paid to feel fine
And just for ugly babies who are often unkind
I pushed away those concerts where the privilege comes to play
I chopped down disciples who have been queen for just one day
despite my attitude was poised to discover
I changed the news to find but one jealous lover
And I love her on time
Chocomel venti pop Easter basket
dos mojitos in la discoteca
not so supposed to eat after midnight
I think we have a terrible problem

Don't over think when they say I told you
Lay off the booze as the video blows you
Bring on the cheer
I want to be here
But I think I'm turning into a monster dear.
Hello hello hello hello hello hello.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Drowning head first in my blue life jacket
Pluck from the roos off a funeral casket
here baby cheers when I'm wondering near you
How's the broken hearted blues

Don't over think when they say I told you
Lay off the booze as the video blows you
Bring on the cheer
I want to be here
But I've got this terrible problem

all my friends have left
the feeling got sober
I was a chef on the red October
Who lost his spine
was paid to feel fine
And just for ugly babies who are often unkind
I pushed away those concerts where the privilege comes to play
I chopped down disciples who have been queen for just one day
despite my attitude was poised to discover
I changed the news to find but one jealous lover
And I love her on time
Chocomel venti pop Easter basket
dos mojitos in la discoteca
not so supposed to eat after midnight
I think we have a terrible problem

Don't over think when they say I told you
Lay off the booze as the video blows you
Bring on the cheer
I want to be here
But I think I'm turning into a monster dear.
Hello hello hello hello hello hello.

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