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Rock 'n' Roll Is King

Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)

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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1983 m.

Listen everybody let me tell you 'bout the rock 'n' roll
Feel that rhythm and it's really gonna thrill your soul
She said come along with me, to a land of make believe
She said rock 'n' roll is king

She loves that rock 'n' roll and she plays it all night long
That's all she ever tells me when I call her on the telephone
She says feel that jumpin' beat, and git up on your feet
She says rock 'n' roll is king

Chorus: Oh let those guitars play
Play for me play for me
Oh let that song ring out
That's how it's meant to be

It rolls like a train that's comin' on down the track
She rolled over Beethoven and she gave Tchaikovsky back
She loves that drivin' beat, she goes dancin' on down the street
She said rock 'n' roll is king


When she comes around and I'm listenin' to the radio
She says you can't do that 'cause all I wanna do is rock 'n' roll
Now here I'm gonna stay where that music starts to play
She says rock 'n' roll is king

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Esamas tekstas

Listen everybody let me tell you 'bout the rock 'n' roll
Feel that rhythm and it's really gonna thrill your soul
She said come along with me, to a land of make believe
She said rock 'n' roll is king

She loves that rock 'n' roll and she plays it all night long
That's all she ever tells me when I call her on the telephone
She says feel that jumpin' beat, and git up on your feet
She says rock 'n' roll is king

Chorus: Oh let those guitars play
Play for me play for me
Oh let that song ring out
That's how it's meant to be

It rolls like a train that's comin' on down the track
She rolled over Beethoven and she gave Tchaikovsky back
She loves that drivin' beat, she goes dancin' on down the street
She said rock 'n' roll is king


When she comes around and I'm listenin' to the radio
She says you can't do that 'cause all I wanna do is rock 'n' roll
Now here I'm gonna stay where that music starts to play
She says rock 'n' roll is king

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2013 m. lapkričio 14 d. 02:21:21
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Nebloga, gana populiari daina ... Tačiau per daug jaučias popsinio prieskonio. Daugiau nieko negaliu pasakyti apie ją.{#} Šiaip, bendras patarimas - niekada nebandykite užsidėti jos žadintuvo skambučiui. Pasekmės baisios {#}

You're gonna go far, fly high You're never gonna die You're gonna make it if you try They're gonna love you.
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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  Šiuo metu naršo narių: 1
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