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Elegy Medley (Against Widows - Cares - On Rich And Poor) (live)


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2010 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

The Devils weds a widow
Death another's leftovers
Better to lie on a willows
Rest on alder boughs
Then upon a widow's bed
On a used woman's pillow
Sweeter the side of a fence
Then a widow's flank

Many rocks the rapid has
A lot of billows the sea
More plentiful are my cares
Then cones on a spruce
Beard moss on a juniper
Gnarls upon a pine bark
Knobs upon a fir
Husks on a grass-top
Boughs on a bad tree.

The Devil weds a widow
The grave one twice wed
A widow's hand is rougher
Than a dry spruce bough
With which she strikes the playful
Grabs the one who laughs
A widow has had her games
And spent a merry evening

Drag my cares away
Carry off my griefs
For no horse can draw
No iron-shod jerk
Without the shaft-bow shaking off
The cares of this skinny one
The sorrows of this black bird

Old folk remember
And those today learn
How before their time
Life was different here:

Without the sun people lived
Groped about without the moon
With candles sowing was done
Planting performed with torched.

At the time we lived
Without the sunshine
Who had covered up our sun
And who had hidden our moon?

Without the moonlight stumbled
With our fists fumbled the land
With our hands we sought out roads
With hands roads, with fingers swamps
We could not live without the sun
Nor manage without moonlight
We could seek out the sun
Who spy out the moon?
Who else if not God
The one son of God?

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The Devils weds a widow
Death another's leftovers
Better to lie on a willows
Rest on alder boughs
Then upon a widow's bed
On a used woman's pillow
Sweeter the side of a fence
Then a widow's flank

Many rocks the rapid has
A lot of billows the sea
More plentiful are my cares
Then cones on a spruce
Beard moss on a juniper
Gnarls upon a pine bark
Knobs upon a fir
Husks on a grass-top
Boughs on a bad tree.

The Devil weds a widow
The grave one twice wed
A widow's hand is rougher
Than a dry spruce bough
With which she strikes the playful
Grabs the one who laughs
A widow has had her games
And spent a merry evening

Drag my cares away
Carry off my griefs
For no horse can draw
No iron-shod jerk
Without the shaft-bow shaking off
The cares of this skinny one
The sorrows of this black bird

Old folk remember
And those today learn
How before their time
Life was different here:

Without the sun people lived
Groped about without the moon
With candles sowing was done
Planting performed with torched.

At the time we lived
Without the sunshine
Who had covered up our sun
And who had hidden our moon?

Without the moonlight stumbled
With our fists fumbled the land
With our hands we sought out roads
With hands roads, with fingers swamps
We could not live without the sun
Nor manage without moonlight
We could seek out the sun
Who spy out the moon?
Who else if not God
The one son of God?

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