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Inkubus Sukkubus

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1994 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Lifeless life, sleepless sleep
Under the stony sky of day my flesh shall keep
Summer's heat shall never be missed
Hecate's bliss has kissed these cool lips

In perfect sleep there's beauty
In waking life just cruelty
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night

In the light that blinds your eyes
Wrapped in the velvet cloak of dreams my spirit flies
As the day slips far from your sight
My stirring limbs shall join in the flight

In perfect sleep there's beauty
In waking life just cruelty
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night

Life of lives, oh, sleep of sleeps
In all your dreams you'll never know the joys I reap
Hecate's hand shall guide through the night
And with the dawn, I'll kiss her goodbye

In perfect sleep there's beauty
In waking life just cruelty
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Lifeless life, sleepless sleep
Under the stony sky of day my flesh shall keep
Summer's heat shall never be missed
Hecate's bliss has kissed these cool lips

In perfect sleep there's beauty
In waking life just cruelty
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night

In the light that blinds your eyes
Wrapped in the velvet cloak of dreams my spirit flies
As the day slips far from your sight
My stirring limbs shall join in the flight

In perfect sleep there's beauty
In waking life just cruelty
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night

Life of lives, oh, sleep of sleeps
In all your dreams you'll never know the joys I reap
Hecate's hand shall guide through the night
And with the dawn, I'll kiss her goodbye

In perfect sleep there's beauty
In waking life just cruelty
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night
I want to rise with the night

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