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Rock the Night


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1986 m.

(Joey Tempest)
I've gone through changes
I've gone through pain
But there's not enough reason for me to go insane
I know the feeling, when it grows
I'm in a rage up from my head down to my toes.

You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy
When you don't know what you want.

Rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
Rock now, rock the night
You'd better believe it's right.

I know my limit
Just what it takes
When things ain't good enough
I just pull the brake
Sometimes it's easy
Sometimes so tough
But just have one thing clear
I can't get enough.

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Esamas tekstas

(Joey Tempest)
I've gone through changes
I've gone through pain
But there's not enough reason for me to go insane
I know the feeling, when it grows
I'm in a rage up from my head down to my toes.

You know it ain't easy
Running out of thrills
You know it ain't easy
When you don't know what you want.

Rock now, rock the night
'Til early in the morning light
Rock now, rock the night
You'd better believe it's right.

I know my limit
Just what it takes
When things ain't good enough
I just pull the brake
Sometimes it's easy
Sometimes so tough
But just have one thing clear
I can't get enough.

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