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Falling Awake

Tarja Turunen ir Joe Satriani

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika
Data: 2010 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Phantom voices with no words to follow
At the mercy of the cold and hollow
I withdrew into my sanctuary of silence
My defence

In this moment I am just becoming
Liberated from my cell of nothing
No sensation there was only breathing
Overcome oblivion

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory
And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake

Waves of melodies once forgotten
like a symphony across the ocean
Never knew that they could hear my calling
deep within
crashing in
rushing in
like falling

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory
And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake

There is no returning to that emptiness,
The dream that lives inside of me
won't fade away, it's wide awake

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory
And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Phantom voices with no words to follow
At the mercy of the cold and hollow
I withdrew into my sanctuary of silence
My defence

In this moment I am just becoming
Liberated from my cell of nothing
No sensation there was only breathing
Overcome oblivion

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory
And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake

Waves of melodies once forgotten
like a symphony across the ocean
Never knew that they could hear my calling
deep within
crashing in
rushing in
like falling

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory
And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake

There is no returning to that emptiness,
The dream that lives inside of me
won't fade away, it's wide awake

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory
And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake

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