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Feathers and Tar

Marian Gold

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1996 m.

You came one night, turned my tide
Blood red moon that you are
How I sit here, what can I do
Wrapped in feathers and tar
You clutched my back and you bit my neck
Stroke me down to the floor
You burn my brain, lay me in chains
And I want more
I'm on my knees, can't you see
I don't know what to do
Can't you heal me, can't you feel
That my heart belongs to you
It seems so wrong, that I sing this song
Could it be, babe, could it be that you feel the same
But let me tell you, and that ain't no excuse
Where both in the same situation
Under each others sign like partners in crime
And nobody needs to tell me
That this ain't the end of the world
It's just one of those crazy moments of the late
Late 20th century
But you visit my sweetest dreams
And you kindle all of my phantasies
And you're right, it's your name that I scream
Don't you feel it, don't you hear me baby...
I'm on my knees, can't you see..
You came one night, turned my tide
Blood red moon that you are, now I sit here
What can I do
Wrapped in feathers and tar
You paint my lips and you sank my ships and I
I love you so, I love you so
You see me pray, please go away
No, don't go, don't go, cause I want more..

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You came one night, turned my tide
Blood red moon that you are
How I sit here, what can I do
Wrapped in feathers and tar
You clutched my back and you bit my neck
Stroke me down to the floor
You burn my brain, lay me in chains
And I want more
I'm on my knees, can't you see
I don't know what to do
Can't you heal me, can't you feel
That my heart belongs to you
It seems so wrong, that I sing this song
Could it be, babe, could it be that you feel the same
But let me tell you, and that ain't no excuse
Where both in the same situation
Under each others sign like partners in crime
And nobody needs to tell me
That this ain't the end of the world
It's just one of those crazy moments of the late
Late 20th century
But you visit my sweetest dreams
And you kindle all of my phantasies
And you're right, it's your name that I scream
Don't you feel it, don't you hear me baby...
I'm on my knees, can't you see..
You came one night, turned my tide
Blood red moon that you are, now I sit here
What can I do
Wrapped in feathers and tar
You paint my lips and you sank my ships and I
I love you so, I love you so
You see me pray, please go away
No, don't go, don't go, cause I want more..

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Komentarai (2)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2025 m. sausio 16 d. 15:43:33
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

... Na, tikrai būta kur kas geresnių laikų Marian'uiGold'ui ... Šis jo solinis tvarinys išties gana toli nuo to įspūdingo + su niekuom nesupainiojamu ''ALPHAVILLE'' starto 1984-siais ... Bet kaip jau ten bebuvo, iš tos pagarbos grupės varančiojo varikliuko vardui, užskaitysim ... {#}

* ... Juk iš tikrųjų Mintys & Svajonės pernelyg dažnai savivaliauja : Jos kada panorėjusios ateina, kada panorėjusios - išeina .. Toks jausmas, tarsi Jos būtų savarankiški, Nuo Niekieno Norų Nepriklausomi & Gyvi Padarai .. Yep's ... * ;-]
2011 m. balandžio 29 d. 17:57:19
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
nustabi daina. dažnai suku ant repeato.

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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