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Feel It In My Bones

Tiesto ir Tegan and Sara

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 2009 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Blow by blow, i didn’t see it coming
blow by blow, sucker punch
rushes in, here to stay
rushes in, you are here to stay
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control, think about it
feel it in my bones
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control

I feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to lettin me go
and i know this feeling oh, so
this feeling in my bones

left hook, I didn’t see it comin
left hook, you’ve got dead aim
rushes out, run away
rushes out, you always run away
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control, think about it
feel it in my bones
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control

i feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh, so
this feeling in my bones

i feel you in my bones
you’re knockin at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh, so
this feeling in my bones

i feel it in my bones
and then my skull feels pressure
i feel it in my bones
i feel it in my skull

i feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh so
this feeling in my bones

I take a breath, take a breath
with me blow by blow
take a break, take a break from you
you are here to stay
i take my heart out of my chest
i just don’t need it anymore
take my hand up again
i just don’t need it anymore

i feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh so
this feeling in my bones

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 3, aukščiausia vieta: 39
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Blow by blow, i didn’t see it coming
blow by blow, sucker punch
rushes in, here to stay
rushes in, you are here to stay
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control, think about it
feel it in my bones
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control

I feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to lettin me go
and i know this feeling oh, so
this feeling in my bones

left hook, I didn’t see it comin
left hook, you’ve got dead aim
rushes out, run away
rushes out, you always run away
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control, think about it
feel it in my bones
what rushes into my heart and my skull
i can’t control

i feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh, so
this feeling in my bones

i feel you in my bones
you’re knockin at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh, so
this feeling in my bones

i feel it in my bones
and then my skull feels pressure
i feel it in my bones
i feel it in my skull

i feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh so
this feeling in my bones

I take a breath, take a breath
with me blow by blow
take a break, take a break from you
you are here to stay
i take my heart out of my chest
i just don’t need it anymore
take my hand up again
i just don’t need it anymore

i feel you in my bones
you’re knocking at my windows
you’re slow to letting me go
and i know this feeling oh so
this feeling in my bones

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Komentarai (5)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2010 m. liepos 15 d. 23:20:33
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Keista, bet užkabino. Kart nuo karto paklausau. : )

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