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Fightin’ for Life

Ace Frehley

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Johnny dropped out when he turned sixteen
Couldn't stand the rules, didn't wanna believe
Packed up his bag, grabbed a guitar, he's gone
Gone, gone
Chained to a gang 'cause they watched his back
His heart wasn't there, it was across the track
Music was his love, it never let him down, he's gone
Gone, gone

And it's harder than it seems
On your own two feet
There's danger on the street
It's a dirty, filthy rat fire race

Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey

Playin' with his band, livin' hand-to-mouth
It's a six-string struggle, without a doubt
Never lose the spirit, never break the bond
Play on, play on

And it's harder than it seems
On your own two feet
There's danger on the street
It's a dirty, filthy rat fire race

Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey

And it's harder than it seems
On your own two feet
There's danger on the street
It's a dirty, filthy rat fire race

Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Johnny dropped out when he turned sixteen
Couldn't stand the rules, didn't wanna believe
Packed up his bag, grabbed a guitar, he's gone
Gone, gone
Chained to a gang 'cause they watched his back
His heart wasn't there, it was across the track
Music was his love, it never let him down, he's gone
Gone, gone

And it's harder than it seems
On your own two feet
There's danger on the street
It's a dirty, filthy rat fire race

Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey

Playin' with his band, livin' hand-to-mouth
It's a six-string struggle, without a doubt
Never lose the spirit, never break the bond
Play on, play on

And it's harder than it seems
On your own two feet
There's danger on the street
It's a dirty, filthy rat fire race

Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey

And it's harder than it seems
On your own two feet
There's danger on the street
It's a dirty, filthy rat fire race

Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
It's a dog-eat-dog world every day
Fightin' for life, fightin' for life
You can be the hunter or be the prey

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