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Fingers in the Wounds

Bruce Dickinson

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[Verse 1]
It just takes a hero, you're standing in shadow
You walk in the shoes, with feet made of clay
So who is the sinner and who is the prophet?
The rules of the game that you’re gonna play

So put your fingers in the wounds and pray that it's God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cloth
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine

[Verse 2]
We all want to be you for a glimmer of hope
There's not enough gold at the end of your rope
And no one can hear you, your life is a zеro
You only can be what the peoplе they see

So put your fingers in the wounds and pray that it’s God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cloth
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine

[Instrumental Break]

Over and over
Over and over

So put your fingers in the wounds and pray that it's God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cloth
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine
So put your fingers in his wounds and pray that it's God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cross
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

[Verse 1]
It just takes a hero, you're standing in shadow
You walk in the shoes, with feet made of clay
So who is the sinner and who is the prophet?
The rules of the game that you’re gonna play

So put your fingers in the wounds and pray that it's God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cloth
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine

[Verse 2]
We all want to be you for a glimmer of hope
There's not enough gold at the end of your rope
And no one can hear you, your life is a zеro
You only can be what the peoplе they see

So put your fingers in the wounds and pray that it’s God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cloth
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine

[Instrumental Break]

Over and over
Over and over

So put your fingers in the wounds and pray that it's God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cloth
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine
So put your fingers in his wounds and pray that it's God
A roll of the dice for a piece of his cross
It just takes a hero from a nickel or a dime
Take a pearl from an oyster and feed it to swine

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