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The Deflux

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

Yeah, you took it all left addict
With word written, scripted play in the black book.
And on its cover embedded four letters
It’s L.I.F.E.
F**k that I’m moving further.

F**k that I’m moving further
Into a better world but I’m getting colder, older.
All in all it’s all over.
With symphony from the room with closed doors
I dance with the wind on a broken shore.
It was never yours.

Aren’t you answering me?
For how frequently
You’ve had those drops on your cheeks and love words I faked?
How easily you let go off the shore without missing the flames?
Dear, break it please. My life was never yours
You can’t play it, step on it or break it.
Faithfully I’ll be here without you, I’ll curse you, forsake you!

And here,
We’re getting down into you to dig the dirt and here it’s where we sight your lies.
All I’ve ever got from you was these razor cut black feelings.
For the one last time please answer me!

When you see me running from the rivers shore
No turning around just to know that there’s no one here
When all these years we’ve been fighting I was carrying your fears
Aren't you’re answering me something I doubt you believed?

For how frequently
You’ve had those drops on your cheeks and love words I faked?
How easily you let go off the shore without missing the flames?
Dear, break it please. My life was never yours
You can’t play it step on it or break it.
Faithfully I’ll be here without you, I’ll curse you, forsake you!

Ilgą laiką The Deflux vyrukai dirbę įrašų studijoje pristo savo darbo rezultatus - šviežią singlą - Frequency!

Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 30 - Savaičių tope: 12, aukščiausia vieta: 13
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Yeah, you took it all left addict
With word written, scripted play in the black book.
And on its cover embedded four letters
It’s L.I.F.E.
F**k that I’m moving further.

F**k that I’m moving further
Into a better world but I’m getting colder, older.
All in all it’s all over.
With symphony from the room with closed doors
I dance with the wind on a broken shore.
It was never yours.

Aren’t you answering me?
For how frequently
You’ve had those drops on your cheeks and love words I faked?
How easily you let go off the shore without missing the flames?
Dear, break it please. My life was never yours
You can’t play it, step on it or break it.
Faithfully I’ll be here without you, I’ll curse you, forsake you!

And here,
We’re getting down into you to dig the dirt and here it’s where we sight your lies.
All I’ve ever got from you was these razor cut black feelings.
For the one last time please answer me!

When you see me running from the rivers shore
No turning around just to know that there’s no one here
When all these years we’ve been fighting I was carrying your fears
Aren't you’re answering me something I doubt you believed?

For how frequently
You’ve had those drops on your cheeks and love words I faked?
How easily you let go off the shore without missing the flames?
Dear, break it please. My life was never yours
You can’t play it step on it or break it.
Faithfully I’ll be here without you, I’ll curse you, forsake you!

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