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Gods Of Rain


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Gods Of Rain

Living Loving water
In a ring of fire higher praying
Start the voodoo dance
Dance around and cry out loud

For the liquid power
Holy blood from heaven sent
Now fall down and...
Send your hope up to the sky and shout...

Let there be some rain some rain
Wash away my pain some rain
To help me take the blame

Crying flying singing
For the thundershower power our
Deep black clouds will grow

Feel the water on your skin
Sliding down your body
Celebrate the rain and dance and shout...

Let there be some rain some rain
Wash away my pain some rain
Let there be some rain
Celebrate the rain some rain

Let there be let there be some rain
Let there be some rain some rain
Wash away my pain some rain
To help me take the blame some rain
Wash away my pain
Let there be let there be some rain

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Gods Of Rain

Living Loving water
In a ring of fire higher praying
Start the voodoo dance
Dance around and cry out loud

For the liquid power
Holy blood from heaven sent
Now fall down and...
Send your hope up to the sky and shout...

Let there be some rain some rain
Wash away my pain some rain
To help me take the blame

Crying flying singing
For the thundershower power our
Deep black clouds will grow

Feel the water on your skin
Sliding down your body
Celebrate the rain and dance and shout...

Let there be some rain some rain
Wash away my pain some rain
Let there be some rain
Celebrate the rain some rain

Let there be let there be some rain
Let there be some rain some rain
Wash away my pain some rain
To help me take the blame some rain
Wash away my pain
Let there be let there be some rain

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