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Going for the One


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1977 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Get the idea cross around the track
Underneath the flank of a thoroughbred racing chaser
Getting the feel as a river flows
Would you like to go n' shoot the mountain masses
And here you stand no taller than the grass sees
And should you really chase so hard
The truth of sport plays rings around you

Going for the one
Going for the one

Get in the way as the tons of water
Racing with you crashing thru the rudder
Once at the start you gamble
That you really surely really mean to finish
After seeing all your sense of fear diminish
As you treat danger a pure collection
As you throw away misconceptions
Going for the one
Going for the one
Going for a listen in time
taken so high
to touch to move
listen to life
touching touch time
travel twilight
taken so high
Roundabout, sounding out, love you so
love you so
love you so

Now the verses I've sang
Don't add much weight to the story in my head
So I'm thinking I should go and write a punch line
But they're so hard to find
In my cosmic mind
So I think I'll take a look out of the window
When I think about you
I don't feel low
N'should I really chase so hard
The truth of sport plays rings around you
Going for the one
Going for the one
Going for to listen in time
taken so high
to touch to move
listen to life
Touching touch time
travel twilight
taken so high
taking your time
turn on to love
turnstile to one
tender timing
rocking rolling
listen in time
taken so high
to touch to move
listen to life
touching touchtime
travel twilight
taken so high
taking your time
turn on to love
turnstile to one
tender timing
rocking rolling
turn on to love
turnstile to one
tender timing
rocking rolling

Moments decide
Moments delight
Moments in flight
Talk about sending love

 2012-01-02  Alvydas1 - Yes – Siekiant Būti Pirmam (Going For The One)

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Get the idea cross around the track
Underneath the flank of a thoroughbred racing chaser
Getting the feel as a river flows
Would you like to go n' shoot the mountain masses
And here you stand no taller than the grass sees
And should you really chase so hard
The truth of sport plays rings around you

Going for the one
Going for the one

Get in the way as the tons of water
Racing with you crashing thru the rudder
Once at the start you gamble
That you really surely really mean to finish
After seeing all your sense of fear diminish
As you treat danger a pure collection
As you throw away misconceptions
Going for the one
Going for the one
Going for a listen in time
taken so high
to touch to move
listen to life
touching touch time
travel twilight
taken so high
Roundabout, sounding out, love you so
love you so
love you so

Now the verses I've sang
Don't add much weight to the story in my head
So I'm thinking I should go and write a punch line
But they're so hard to find
In my cosmic mind
So I think I'll take a look out of the window
When I think about you
I don't feel low
N'should I really chase so hard
The truth of sport plays rings around you
Going for the one
Going for the one
Going for to listen in time
taken so high
to touch to move
listen to life
Touching touch time
travel twilight
taken so high
taking your time
turn on to love
turnstile to one
tender timing
rocking rolling
listen in time
taken so high
to touch to move
listen to life
touching touchtime
travel twilight
taken so high
taking your time
turn on to love
turnstile to one
tender timing
rocking rolling
turn on to love
turnstile to one
tender timing
rocking rolling

Moments decide
Moments delight
Moments in flight
Talk about sending love

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2012 m. sausio 2 d. 11:25:04 2014-06-06 21:29:21
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Jaučiuosi beviltiškas, niekaip neįsikertu, ką Adersonas turi omeny Get the idea cross around the track Underneath the flank of a thoroughbred racing chaser. Nepadeda šioj situacijoj kiti šaltiniai, kuriuose ši eilutė Get the idea Cross around the track When you leap on the flank Of a thoroughbred racing chaser Klausantis niekaip negirdžiu, kuris variantas teisingas. Iš visos dainos bendro konteksto apytikriai aišku, kad kalba eina apie olimpinių žaidynių prasmę, apie žmogaus tuštybę bet kokiu būdu pirmauti. Sporto žiedai (be abejo olimpiniai) krečia pokštus su tavimi, kad tik vienai akimirkai pasijustum aukštybėse, kitu atveju - žemesnis už žolę prieš gamtos didybę.

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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