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Grantchester Meadows

Pink Floyd

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1969 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

"Icy wind of night be gone this is not your domain"
In the sky a bird was heard to cry.
Misty morning whisperings and gentle stirring sounds
Belie the deathly silence that lay all around.

Hear the lark harken to the barking of the dog fox
Gone to ground.
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer
Making for the sea.

In the lazy water meadow I lay me down.
All around me golden sun flakes settle on the ground.
Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon
Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room.

Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox
Gone to ground.
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees.
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer
Making for the sea.

In the lazy water meadow I lay me down.
All around me golden sun flakes covering the ground.
Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon
Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room.

Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox
Gone to ground.
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees.
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer
Making for the sea.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

"Icy wind of night be gone this is not your domain"
In the sky a bird was heard to cry.
Misty morning whisperings and gentle stirring sounds
Belie the deathly silence that lay all around.

Hear the lark harken to the barking of the dog fox
Gone to ground.
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer
Making for the sea.

In the lazy water meadow I lay me down.
All around me golden sun flakes settle on the ground.
Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon
Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room.

Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox
Gone to ground.
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees.
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer
Making for the sea.

In the lazy water meadow I lay me down.
All around me golden sun flakes covering the ground.
Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon
Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room.

Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox
Gone to ground.
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees.
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer
Making for the sea.

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Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2012 m. kovo 4 d. 19:24:41
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Daina visiška raslabucha. Labiau atpalaiduojančios sunku įsivaizduoti - saulė maloniai kepina, tįsai sau hamake, laikraštis ant akių, saujoj vėsaus alaus butelys o į darbą dar tik p;o savaitės. Žmona su vaikais pas močiutę... siela tyliai parpia.

Sielos polėkis, išmokantis skrist - Galimybės ribotos, bet pasiryžęs bandyt. Pink Floyd - Learning to Fly
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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