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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2003 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

In his boat and through the dark he rowed
Chained to oar and the night and the wind that blowed
Horribly 'round his ears
Under the bridge and into your dreams he soars
While you lie alone in that idea-free sleep of yours
That you've been sleeping now for years

And he wants you
He wants you
He is straight and he is true
Ooh hoo hoo

Beneath the hanging cliffs and under the many stars where
He will move, all amongst your tangled hair
And deep into the sea
And you will wake and walk and draw the blind
And feel some presence there behind
And turn to see what that may be
Oh, babe, it's me

And he wants you
He wants you
He is straight and he is true
Ooh hoo hoo

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

In his boat and through the dark he rowed
Chained to oar and the night and the wind that blowed
Horribly 'round his ears
Under the bridge and into your dreams he soars
While you lie alone in that idea-free sleep of yours
That you've been sleeping now for years

And he wants you
He wants you
He is straight and he is true
Ooh hoo hoo

Beneath the hanging cliffs and under the many stars where
He will move, all amongst your tangled hair
And deep into the sea
And you will wake and walk and draw the blind
And feel some presence there behind
And turn to see what that may be
Oh, babe, it's me

And he wants you
He wants you
He is straight and he is true
Ooh hoo hoo

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