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Billy Idol

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1993 m.

Well I wish, I was born
A thousand years ago
And I wish that I sailed
The darkened sea
On a great big clipper ship
Goin' from this land into that
In a sailors suit and cap
Away from the big city-
Away from the big city

Where a man cannot be free
Of all the evils in this town
And of himself and those around
And I'm closing in on death

And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

Ah - Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine
Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine

I don't know just where I'm goin' - Ah
But I'm gonna try for the kingdom
if I can- yeah
'Cause it makes me feel like I'm a man
When I put a spike into my vein
And I tell you things aren't quite the same
Its a mainline to my pain

Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
( I can feel it )
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN

I have made a very big decision
I gonna try to nulify my life -
You know
I get so low and then the smack flows
I don't care I'm gonna make it my wife
Because when the blood begins to flow
And shoots up the droopers neck
And I'm closin' in on death
You can all go take a walk
And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
( I can feel it )
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN not mine
HEROIN, smack attack

Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Smack attack

Don't touch that needle
V.R. HELL HEROIN (forever)
And I'm closing in on death

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Well I wish, I was born
A thousand years ago
And I wish that I sailed
The darkened sea
On a great big clipper ship
Goin' from this land into that
In a sailors suit and cap
Away from the big city-
Away from the big city

Where a man cannot be free
Of all the evils in this town
And of himself and those around
And I'm closing in on death

And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

Ah - Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine
Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine

I don't know just where I'm goin' - Ah
But I'm gonna try for the kingdom
if I can- yeah
'Cause it makes me feel like I'm a man
When I put a spike into my vein
And I tell you things aren't quite the same
Its a mainline to my pain

Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
( I can feel it )
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN

I have made a very big decision
I gonna try to nulify my life -
You know
I get so low and then the smack flows
I don't care I'm gonna make it my wife
Because when the blood begins to flow
And shoots up the droopers neck
And I'm closin' in on death
You can all go take a walk
And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
( I can feel it )
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN not mine
HEROIN, smack attack

Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
I said, Jesus died for somebody's sins
But not mine - HEROIN
Smack attack

Don't touch that needle
V.R. HELL HEROIN (forever)
And I'm closing in on death

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