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Human Strain


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2009 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Illness, infected born mutilated strain
Issue transfusion no one left to blame
Nature's way of thinning out the human fucking herd
Disease, to war to fear his own kind

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

Cities, increase spread population rise
Dying, the future process in the genes
Death stalking man as he embraces the absurd
Through peace, through life, through hatred of himself

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

Death stalking man through peace, through life, through hatred of himself
Death stalking man as he embraces his crucifixion
Skinless resurrection
From the bodies of the dead
Sickness is increasing
As the oceans turn red
Apparatus for self-destruction
Day of judgment is now at hand
Decayed memories haunt vaccinated minds
Risk contamination mechanism of death
Anyone left alive scorched turn to ash
Disease war black death touching man

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Illness, infected born mutilated strain
Issue transfusion no one left to blame
Nature's way of thinning out the human fucking herd
Disease, to war to fear his own kind

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

Cities, increase spread population rise
Dying, the future process in the genes
Death stalking man as he embraces the absurd
Through peace, through life, through hatred of himself

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

Death stalking man through peace, through life, through hatred of himself
Death stalking man as he embraces his crucifixion
Skinless resurrection
From the bodies of the dead
Sickness is increasing
As the oceans turn red
Apparatus for self-destruction
Day of judgment is now at hand
Decayed memories haunt vaccinated minds
Risk contamination mechanism of death
Anyone left alive scorched turn to ash
Disease war black death touching man

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

The human strain
Returning plague
Drink the tainted blood
From the only child

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