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Somebody To Die For


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika

I could drag you from the ocean,
I could pull you from the fire
And when you're standing in the shadows
I could open up the sky
And I could give you my devotion
Until the end of time
And you will never be forgotten
With me by your side

And I don't need this life
I just need…

I've got nothing left to live for
Got no reason yet to die
But when I'm standing in the gallows
I'll be staring at the sky
Because no matter where they take me
Death I will survive
And I will never be forgotten
With you by my side

Cause I don't need this life
I just need…

Somebody to die for
Somebody to cry for
When I'm lonely

When I'm standing in the fire
I will look him in the eye
And I will let the devil know that
I was brave enough to die
And there's no hell that he can show me
That's deeper than my pride
Cause I will never be forgotten
Forever I'll fight

And I don't need this life
I just need…

Somebody to die for
Somebody to cry for
When I'm lonely

And I don't need this life
I just need…

Somebody to die for
Somebody to cry for
When I'm lonely

Don't go gentle into that good night
Rage on against the dying light

Topai ir rinkimai:
2013 Muzikos pulsas - Muzikos pulsas | 2013 m. liepos 21 d. TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 20, aukščiausia vieta: 1
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I could drag you from the ocean,
I could pull you from the fire
And when you're standing in the shadows
I could open up the sky
And I could give you my devotion
Until the end of time
And you will never be forgotten
With me by your side

And I don't need this life
I just need…

I've got nothing left to live for
Got no reason yet to die
But when I'm standing in the gallows
I'll be staring at the sky
Because no matter where they take me
Death I will survive
And I will never be forgotten
With you by my side

Cause I don't need this life
I just need…

Somebody to die for
Somebody to cry for
When I'm lonely

When I'm standing in the fire
I will look him in the eye
And I will let the devil know that
I was brave enough to die
And there's no hell that he can show me
That's deeper than my pride
Cause I will never be forgotten
Forever I'll fight

And I don't need this life
I just need…

Somebody to die for
Somebody to cry for
When I'm lonely

And I don't need this life
I just need…

Somebody to die for
Somebody to cry for
When I'm lonely

Don't go gentle into that good night
Rage on against the dying light

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