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I wanna be me

Sex Pistols

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1996 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Turn the page and it's
The scoop of the century
Dont wanna be L seven I had enough of this
This is brainwash and this is a clue
To the stars who fooled you
Tell me why you can't explain
You're only looking for vinyl yeah
Didn't they fool you they wanna be you

Gimme world war three we can live again
You didn't fool me but i fooled you
You wanna be me yeah You wanna be me
You wanna be someone yeah ruin someone
Yeah, Didn't I fool you I ruined you yeah
Didn't I fool you I sussed you out

I got you in the camera and
I got you in my camera
A secund of your life ruined for life
You wanna ruin me in your magazine
You wanna cover us in the margarine
And now is the time to realize
To have real eyes

Down down down down
And I'll take you down on the underground
Down in the dark and down in the crypt
Down in the dark where the typewriter fit
Down with your pen and pad ready to kill
To make me ill
Down wanna be someone you wanna be someone
Ruin someone
Make it as someone you wanna be me ruin me
A typewriter god a black and white king
PVC blackboard books black and white
I wanna be me

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Turn the page and it's
The scoop of the century
Dont wanna be L seven I had enough of this
This is brainwash and this is a clue
To the stars who fooled you
Tell me why you can't explain
You're only looking for vinyl yeah
Didn't they fool you they wanna be you

Gimme world war three we can live again
You didn't fool me but i fooled you
You wanna be me yeah You wanna be me
You wanna be someone yeah ruin someone
Yeah, Didn't I fool you I ruined you yeah
Didn't I fool you I sussed you out

I got you in the camera and
I got you in my camera
A secund of your life ruined for life
You wanna ruin me in your magazine
You wanna cover us in the margarine
And now is the time to realize
To have real eyes

Down down down down
And I'll take you down on the underground
Down in the dark and down in the crypt
Down in the dark where the typewriter fit
Down with your pen and pad ready to kill
To make me ill
Down wanna be someone you wanna be someone
Ruin someone
Make it as someone you wanna be me ruin me
A typewriter god a black and white king
PVC blackboard books black and white
I wanna be me

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