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Il Senso

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Sharp blades of time cuts the space
Leaving all mightly past, paving this tomorrow
Encrypted spiral repetition
But do we have to make all the same mistakes?

Brother raising hand against brother of his own
No one cares for their aftermath and all the sorrow
Profit is our world and no one talks about the soul
Standing on the edge, are we gonna fall?

Rain falling down, heaven cries
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Still, we have time
So let us try
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Rain falling down, heaven cries
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Still, we have time
So let us try
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out

Do we have strength to resist?
Let the light prevail our tomorrow
Sun will rise up, giving one more chance
So listen to the voice within and just follow

Can you feel the change?
It's never late to start, believe in yourself
Can you feel the wind?
Carrying the hope of the peace
And love, and love

Rain falling down, heaven cries
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Still, we have time
So let us try
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Rain falling down, heaven smiles
I close my eyes, I feel it coming
Still, we have time
So let us shine
I close my eyes, I feel it coming
I feel it coming, I feel

Topai ir rinkimai:
2024 - 2024 m. Lietuvos Eurovizijos atrankos finalas TOP 30 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 30
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Sharp blades of time cuts the space
Leaving all mightly past, paving this tomorrow
Encrypted spiral repetition
But do we have to make all the same mistakes?

Brother raising hand against brother of his own
No one cares for their aftermath and all the sorrow
Profit is our world and no one talks about the soul
Standing on the edge, are we gonna fall?

Rain falling down, heaven cries
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Still, we have time
So let us try
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Rain falling down, heaven cries
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Still, we have time
So let us try
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out

Do we have strength to resist?
Let the light prevail our tomorrow
Sun will rise up, giving one more chance
So listen to the voice within and just follow

Can you feel the change?
It's never late to start, believe in yourself
Can you feel the wind?
Carrying the hope of the peace
And love, and love

Rain falling down, heaven cries
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Still, we have time
So let us try
I close my eyes, I pray my heart out
Rain falling down, heaven smiles
I close my eyes, I feel it coming
Still, we have time
So let us shine
I close my eyes, I feel it coming
I feel it coming, I feel

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