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Mouth of the River

Imagine Dragons

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2017 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

On the mouth of the river
On the mouth of the river
Oh the mouth of the river
I want to live a life like that
Live the life of the faithful one
Wanna bow to the floor
With everybody else want to be someone
I want to make some love
I don't want no enemies
It's the curse of a man
Always living life, living live, living just to please
On the mouth of the river
And the wrath of the giver
With the hands of a sinner
On the mouth of the river (woah)
On the mouth of the river (woah)
And the wrath of the giver (woah)
With the hands of a sinner (woah)
On the mouth of the river
Oh I'm alkaline
I'm always keeping the basics
I'm overboard
I'm self-destructive and self-important
And I'm anxious
Oh I'm self-assured
I'm nervous and I'm pacing, oh I'm pacing
On the…

Topai ir rinkimai:
2018 - 2017 m. geriausieji: metų TOP 10 pagal „“ bendruomenės narį PLIKASS #10
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

On the mouth of the river
On the mouth of the river
Oh the mouth of the river
I want to live a life like that
Live the life of the faithful one
Wanna bow to the floor
With everybody else want to be someone
I want to make some love
I don't want no enemies
It's the curse of a man
Always living life, living live, living just to please
On the mouth of the river
And the wrath of the giver
With the hands of a sinner
On the mouth of the river (woah)
On the mouth of the river (woah)
And the wrath of the giver (woah)
With the hands of a sinner (woah)
On the mouth of the river
Oh I'm alkaline
I'm always keeping the basics
I'm overboard
I'm self-destructive and self-important
And I'm anxious
Oh I'm self-assured
I'm nervous and I'm pacing, oh I'm pacing
On the…

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