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In Every Dream Home (There's a Dream of Something Else)


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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2017 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

He blew his mind out on a plane
Man, this one-upmanship's insane
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

This one paints gold the things he owns
Excretes sat on a golden throne
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

So cheap and nasty
But never enough
It doesn't mattter
When you have it, it's just stuff

We run this wolrd on greed and fear
Now it's to grab, it's not to share
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

Over here, over there
The grass is greener everywhere
Only never just right here
Feel the urge, feel the need
Envy greener only feeds
A hunger endless, bred form greed

Sometimes at night when you awake
When all that's real just seems a fake
You might think that it's too late
But with love in your heart
You can go right back to start
You can tear the dark apart

A perfect, transient state of mind
It's not 'to own' its 'to find'
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

So when you find it
Just pass it on
You can't posess it
It's not you for your own

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

He blew his mind out on a plane
Man, this one-upmanship's insane
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

This one paints gold the things he owns
Excretes sat on a golden throne
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

So cheap and nasty
But never enough
It doesn't mattter
When you have it, it's just stuff

We run this wolrd on greed and fear
Now it's to grab, it's not to share
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

Over here, over there
The grass is greener everywhere
Only never just right here
Feel the urge, feel the need
Envy greener only feeds
A hunger endless, bred form greed

Sometimes at night when you awake
When all that's real just seems a fake
You might think that it's too late
But with love in your heart
You can go right back to start
You can tear the dark apart

A perfect, transient state of mind
It's not 'to own' its 'to find'
In every dream home there's a dream of something else

So when you find it
Just pass it on
You can't posess it
It's not you for your own

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