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Into the Storm

Axel Rudi Pell

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2014 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Into The Storm

What did you see Can you believe it ?
All fallen heroes forever gone
The eternal lights died out in it’s shadows
Brought back some memories when evil ruled the world

No fear, the sun will never fade
One more pray to heaven

We’re sailing in
In the burnin’ sea

Into the storm
Into the storm

Follow the ship, sail on the oceans
Dark stormy nights, aimless victims of the sea
Life’s on the edge, fadin’ lost and gone
Trying to break free, but something’s goin’ wrong

Round and round in circles, in a place of no return
The captain is in sorrow, the sails started to burn
As we passed the border, to a new and different world
The northern lights kept shining, but the tale’s left unhead
Far away…far away

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Into The Storm

What did you see Can you believe it ?
All fallen heroes forever gone
The eternal lights died out in it’s shadows
Brought back some memories when evil ruled the world

No fear, the sun will never fade
One more pray to heaven

We’re sailing in
In the burnin’ sea

Into the storm
Into the storm

Follow the ship, sail on the oceans
Dark stormy nights, aimless victims of the sea
Life’s on the edge, fadin’ lost and gone
Trying to break free, but something’s goin’ wrong

Round and round in circles, in a place of no return
The captain is in sorrow, the sails started to burn
As we passed the border, to a new and different world
The northern lights kept shining, but the tale’s left unhead
Far away…far away

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