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Death Row

Judas Priest

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1996 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Let me out
Sorry son
Commit a crime - pay the price

Death row - What's that - 'No stay?'
Oh! Ok I'll tell him

Dead man walking

We've all been detained
For the crimes we've committed
They stayed execution
But we'll never get acquitted
Waiting for the day when they strap us in
And when they pull the lever
Hear the goddamn screams
Shake with fear
Electric chair

We're all inside
Homocide related
They'll show no mercy
But we don't anticipate it
We move a little closer
Every day to meet our maker
They cover up our face
And then they close the circuit breaker
Oh! No!

Shake with fear
Your time draws near
Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row

Oh come on man
Give me a break
I made one mistake, that's all it takes

I ain't that bad
I ain't done nothing wrong

Shake with fear
The end is near

Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row
Oh! No! - They're taking me slow
One way ticket to death row

So what's the matter son
Too young to die
Take it like a man
Don't cry Ah! Ah!


Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row

Say a prayer, best beware
It's not very nice in the electric chair

Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row

Oh! No! - They're taking me slow
One way ticket to death row

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Let me out
Sorry son
Commit a crime - pay the price

Death row - What's that - 'No stay?'
Oh! Ok I'll tell him

Dead man walking

We've all been detained
For the crimes we've committed
They stayed execution
But we'll never get acquitted
Waiting for the day when they strap us in
And when they pull the lever
Hear the goddamn screams
Shake with fear
Electric chair

We're all inside
Homocide related
They'll show no mercy
But we don't anticipate it
We move a little closer
Every day to meet our maker
They cover up our face
And then they close the circuit breaker
Oh! No!

Shake with fear
Your time draws near
Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row

Oh come on man
Give me a break
I made one mistake, that's all it takes

I ain't that bad
I ain't done nothing wrong

Shake with fear
The end is near

Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row
Oh! No! - They're taking me slow
One way ticket to death row

So what's the matter son
Too young to die
Take it like a man
Don't cry Ah! Ah!


Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row

Say a prayer, best beware
It's not very nice in the electric chair

Oh! No! - I won't go
You'll never get me down to
Death row

Oh! No! - They're taking me slow
One way ticket to death row

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