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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1999 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness
I just want to...
Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness!

Section off myself
Put a wall up/What the hell have I done
Keep the dog at bay
Survive by saving me!
Values and the game
Not a fuck-up - Not a part of your lie
I am one, I am all - I'm above and beyond!

stand off of the shit
back off or I'll spit
So soft, you forgot
Your garbage in is garbage out
You don't give a shit
I won't play the fit
Get off, get on this
Your garbage in is garbage out
Liberate my madness...

Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness
I just want to...
Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness

I am not ashamed
What is vital, isn't always humane
You can break in vain
But you can't break away
Even in my face
Lotta bullshit, not alotta the truth
I can't see from here
But I can smell your fear

Back off of the shit
Stand off or I'll spit
So soft, you forgot
Your garbage in is garbage out
You don't give a shit
I won't play the fit
Get off, get on this
Your garbage in is garbage out

Saved - You're such a slave - I don't expect a
Name - You don't care - I wasn't witness -
I can't be a part of a system such as this
Hard eyes - Glow right - In my - Darkness - Again
With the sickness, rengade sisters, blisters,
Salivate, litigate, liberate, madness, sadness
Fuck this - How long have I had this?
I don't need this - Outta my business
Insert, engage, betray, MY GOD

Liberate - My madness
Liberate - My madness
I just want to...
Liberate - My madness
Liberate - My madness

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness
I just want to...
Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness!

Section off myself
Put a wall up/What the hell have I done
Keep the dog at bay
Survive by saving me!
Values and the game
Not a fuck-up - Not a part of your lie
I am one, I am all - I'm above and beyond!

stand off of the shit
back off or I'll spit
So soft, you forgot
Your garbage in is garbage out
You don't give a shit
I won't play the fit
Get off, get on this
Your garbage in is garbage out
Liberate my madness...

Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness
I just want to...
Liberate - My madness
(One of me, all of you)
Liberate - My madness

I am not ashamed
What is vital, isn't always humane
You can break in vain
But you can't break away
Even in my face
Lotta bullshit, not alotta the truth
I can't see from here
But I can smell your fear

Back off of the shit
Stand off or I'll spit
So soft, you forgot
Your garbage in is garbage out
You don't give a shit
I won't play the fit
Get off, get on this
Your garbage in is garbage out

Saved - You're such a slave - I don't expect a
Name - You don't care - I wasn't witness -
I can't be a part of a system such as this
Hard eyes - Glow right - In my - Darkness - Again
With the sickness, rengade sisters, blisters,
Salivate, litigate, liberate, madness, sadness
Fuck this - How long have I had this?
I don't need this - Outta my business
Insert, engage, betray, MY GOD

Liberate - My madness
Liberate - My madness
I just want to...
Liberate - My madness
Liberate - My madness

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (3)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

geriam_alu (Užblokuotas)
2008 m. birželio 28 d. 17:06:02
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Gerulis gabalas.

2008 m. gegužės 3 d. 21:33:09
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
DedeTomaiSkerdike nuo siandienos busi ne be vienas, kuris cia komentara parase Tai pirmoji mano Slipknot grupes ir aplamai metalo isgirsta daina...Nuo tada as ir "izengiau" i metalo pasauli Sis kurinys man labai patiko...Metalas valdo

2006 m. liepos 1 d. 22:32:43
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
ka as cia vienas koemntuoju nu bet tai gerai

------------------------------------------------------------- soughtman
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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