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Life's Emblem


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2004 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Upon that storied marble cast thine eye.
The scene commands a moralising sigh.
E'en in Arcadia's blessed Elysian plains,
amidst the laughing nymphs and sportive swains.

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the...

See festal joy subside with melting grace,
and pity visit the half-smiling face.
Where now the dance, the lute, the ruptial feast,
the passion throbbing in the lover's breast?

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the tomb.

[Man:] So say me, noble stranger, what brings you here this night?
[Death:] I have come to release you from the bitter taste of life.
[Man:] Why me? Why now? It cannot be my time.
[Death:] Everything that falls to the ground is mine.

Upon that storied marble cast thine eye.
The scene commands a moralising sigh.
E'en in Arcadia's blessed Elysian plains,
amidst the laughing nymphs and sportive swains.

See festal joy subside with melting grace,
and pity visit the half-smiling face.
Where now the dance, the lute, the ruptial feast,
the passion throbbing in the lover's breast?

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the...

See festal joy subside with melting grace,
and pity visit the half-smiling face.
Where now the dance, the lute, the ruptial feast,
the passion throbbing in the lover's breast?

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the tomb.

[Man:] But in youth am I still, and in flesh am I strong.
[Death:] And I have a disease for every sin that you have done.
[Man:] But I've done nothing wrong, nothing bad or untrue.
[Death:] Neither God nor Devil agrees with you!

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Upon that storied marble cast thine eye.
The scene commands a moralising sigh.
E'en in Arcadia's blessed Elysian plains,
amidst the laughing nymphs and sportive swains.

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the...

See festal joy subside with melting grace,
and pity visit the half-smiling face.
Where now the dance, the lute, the ruptial feast,
the passion throbbing in the lover's breast?

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the tomb.

[Man:] So say me, noble stranger, what brings you here this night?
[Death:] I have come to release you from the bitter taste of life.
[Man:] Why me? Why now? It cannot be my time.
[Death:] Everything that falls to the ground is mine.

Upon that storied marble cast thine eye.
The scene commands a moralising sigh.
E'en in Arcadia's blessed Elysian plains,
amidst the laughing nymphs and sportive swains.

See festal joy subside with melting grace,
and pity visit the half-smiling face.
Where now the dance, the lute, the ruptial feast,
the passion throbbing in the lover's breast?

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the...

See festal joy subside with melting grace,
and pity visit the half-smiling face.
Where now the dance, the lute, the ruptial feast,
the passion throbbing in the lover's breast?

Life's Emblem here in youth and vernal bloom,
but Reason's finger pointing at the tomb.

[Man:] But in youth am I still, and in flesh am I strong.
[Death:] And I have a disease for every sin that you have done.
[Man:] But I've done nothing wrong, nothing bad or untrue.
[Death:] Neither God nor Devil agrees with you!

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