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Loss of Life, Pt. 2


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2024 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Taliesin, I sing perfect metre
Which will last to the end of the world
I know why there is an echo in a hollow
Why silver gleams, why breath is black, why liver is bloody
Why a cow has horns, why a woman is affectionate
Why milk is white, why holly is green
Why a kid is bearded, why the cow parsnip is hollow
Why brine is salt, why ale is bitter
Why the linnet is green and berries red
Why a cuckoo complains, why it sings
I know where the cuckoos of summer are in winter
I know what beasts there are at the bottom of the sea
How many spеars in battle, how many drops in the shower
Why a rivеr drowned Pharaoh's people
Why fishes have scales, why a white swan has black feet
I have been a blue salmon
I have been a dog, a stag, a roebuck on the mountain
A stock, a spade, an axe in the hand
A stallion, a bull, a buck
I was reaped and placed in an oven
I fell to the ground when I was being roasted
And a hen swallowed me
For nine nights was I in her crop
I have been dead, I have been alive
I am Taliesin

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Taliesin, I sing perfect metre
Which will last to the end of the world
I know why there is an echo in a hollow
Why silver gleams, why breath is black, why liver is bloody
Why a cow has horns, why a woman is affectionate
Why milk is white, why holly is green
Why a kid is bearded, why the cow parsnip is hollow
Why brine is salt, why ale is bitter
Why the linnet is green and berries red
Why a cuckoo complains, why it sings
I know where the cuckoos of summer are in winter
I know what beasts there are at the bottom of the sea
How many spеars in battle, how many drops in the shower
Why a rivеr drowned Pharaoh's people
Why fishes have scales, why a white swan has black feet
I have been a blue salmon
I have been a dog, a stag, a roebuck on the mountain
A stock, a spade, an axe in the hand
A stallion, a bull, a buck
I was reaped and placed in an oven
I fell to the ground when I was being roasted
And a hen swallowed me
For nine nights was I in her crop
I have been dead, I have been alive
I am Taliesin

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