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Love Is Better Than a Warm Trombone


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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 1998 m.

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"Love Is Better Than A Warm Trombone"

Love is better than a warm trombone, when blown, softly by a two tone, brother
Down on luck by chance, caress her head off at the boogaloo trance

With his hands in his pocket he could not lie
With his hands in his pocket he began to cry
With his hands in his pocket he lowered his eye
He said "Miss I guess I ought to apologise, I've been fallin, I'm falling down"

The river of your lovelorn souls is getting deeper than the deepest dish washing bowl
Now brother get the dirt off your hands, it's getting darker than a sun-chaser's the sun tan

With his hands in his pockethe could not lie
With his hands in his pockethe began to cry
With his hands in his pockethe lowered his eyes
He said "Miss, I guess I ought to apologise, I've been fallin, I'm falling down"

With his hands in his pockethe began to cry
With his hands in his pockethe could not lie
With his hands in his pockethe lowered his eyes
He said "Miss, I guess I ought to apologise, I've been fallin, I'm falling down"

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

"Love Is Better Than A Warm Trombone"

Love is better than a warm trombone, when blown, softly by a two tone, brother
Down on luck by chance, caress her head off at the boogaloo trance

With his hands in his pocket he could not lie
With his hands in his pocket he began to cry
With his hands in his pocket he lowered his eye
He said "Miss I guess I ought to apologise, I've been fallin, I'm falling down"

The river of your lovelorn souls is getting deeper than the deepest dish washing bowl
Now brother get the dirt off your hands, it's getting darker than a sun-chaser's the sun tan

With his hands in his pockethe could not lie
With his hands in his pockethe began to cry
With his hands in his pockethe lowered his eyes
He said "Miss, I guess I ought to apologise, I've been fallin, I'm falling down"

With his hands in his pockethe began to cry
With his hands in his pockethe could not lie
With his hands in his pockethe lowered his eyes
He said "Miss, I guess I ought to apologise, I've been fallin, I'm falling down"

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