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Low Place Like Home

Sneaker Pimps

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 1996 m.

You walked all over in your blunder stones
In your own road movie, with your one armed man
Gonna make it to the problem page, trouble-shoot your life
Gonna make it to the problem page, need some time and space

Just to find yourself
Hope you find yourself

In a low place like home
Low place like home

You talked it over from your bedroom throne
Making sense of nothing with your one armed man
Read your future in the magazine, search your stars for clues
Read your future in the magazine, tells you what to lose

Just to find yourself
I hope you find yourself

In a low place like home
Low place like home

Hope you find yourself
In a low place like home

You fall all over with your small town heels
Catching hold of nothing like your one armed man
Treat your life like a tragedy, self-inflict abuse
Treat your life like a tragedy, precious else to choose

Crucify yourself
You better find yourself

Low place like home
Low place like home
Low place like home
Low place like home

Crucify yourself
You better find yourself
In a low place like home
You better find yourself

Hope you find yourself
You better find yourself
In a low place like home
In a low place like home

Crucify yourself
In a low place like home

Hope you find yourself
Hope you find yourself
Hope you find yourself
Hope you find yourself

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You walked all over in your blunder stones
In your own road movie, with your one armed man
Gonna make it to the problem page, trouble-shoot your life
Gonna make it to the problem page, need some time and space

Just to find yourself
Hope you find yourself

In a low place like home
Low place like home

You talked it over from your bedroom throne
Making sense of nothing with your one armed man
Read your future in the magazine, search your stars for clues
Read your future in the magazine, tells you what to lose

Just to find yourself
I hope you find yourself

In a low place like home
Low place like home

Hope you find yourself
In a low place like home

You fall all over with your small town heels
Catching hold of nothing like your one armed man
Treat your life like a tragedy, self-inflict abuse
Treat your life like a tragedy, precious else to choose

Crucify yourself
You better find yourself

Low place like home
Low place like home
Low place like home
Low place like home

Crucify yourself
You better find yourself
In a low place like home
You better find yourself

Hope you find yourself
You better find yourself
In a low place like home
In a low place like home

Crucify yourself
In a low place like home

Hope you find yourself
Hope you find yourself
Hope you find yourself
Hope you find yourself

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